Monday, February 11, 2013

I am a Mormon. I know it. I live it. I love it.

   I am a Mormon. I know it. I live it. I love it. This was said in last general conference and its a great saying. It is so true. I was blessed to be born into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and have loved it ever since I could remember. I have attended other churches and for me they did not feel right. People ask me why am I so sure this is the True Church or the Right Church and I go you just know. The feeling I get going to Church is something that I cannot describe and I did not get that feeling when I went to other churches. Yes the LDS church has been the only church and religion in my life but why would I question when I have known since I was 4 years old that the LDS church is the true church. So I thought I would elaborate on the saying, I am a Mormon. I know it. I live it. I love it.
     I know that this Church is the true Church. I know that Prophets are called by God today. We read about the Prophets in the Bible and they were called by God and why wouldn't He call Prophets to help us through this day in age? I know that the standards that have been given by the Prophets have only benefited my life. I know that Christ is always with us and He is waiting for us to ask for help. He is the way back to our Heavenly Father. I know that we are here for a reason and that there is a plan for each and every one of us. I know that the Book of Mormon is a true book and another testament of Christ. The Book of Mormon is all about the Americas. It shows us that Christ did not only stay in one certain area, that He loves and visits everyone. I know that when we pray, Heavenly Father is listening and is ready to answer.
    I live the Gospel by following the standards and doing what is asked. I dress modestly, I do not drink or do any drugs, I respect myself and others, I do not swear, I do not go partying every weekend, I go to church for 3 hours every Sunday, I go to a religion class twice a week, and so much more. I have lived this way for my whole life and I wouldn't change that for anything. I go to the temple where I can be in a holy place and have worldly problems leave my mind for a bit. By living these things, it has only benefited my life and has helped me grow in this world.
    I love knowing that Heavenly Father knows each and every one of us personally and has a plan for all of us. I love that the LDS church is one of the first people helping in a disaster [international or even helping a neighbor]. I love how the women in the Church will make dinner for another family in need. I love how welcoming the members are. I love how caring everyone is about the members and even non members. I love knowing that when people leave this Earth we get to see them again. I love that I can be married to my future husband for all time and eternity, not just here on Earth. I love that Church brings a smile to my face. I love the Priesthood. I love the Gospel.
[LDS Newport Beach Temple]
   My religion has helped me so much through my life. It has comforted me when times have been rough and it has brought a smile on my face everyday. It hurts me when people talk bad about it because I only have good things to say about the LDS church. Yes we do not drink or do any drugs but is it healthy for you in the first place? Nope so why do people still do it? Yes we dress modestly but why do we need to show off our bodies? People may "look good" showing off but its the personality and the deep things that truly matter. Yes we do not drink coffee but again is it healthy for you? Nope it is not. Yes we do not cover ourselves with tattoos but lets think of when we are old, are you going to really want to have a wrinkly tattoo or be embarrassed by it?  We do not swear or use inappropriate language. No we do not have more than one mom, no we do not worship Joseph Smith, no we did not "add" to the Bible and basically any other rumor is not true. And yes we believe in Jesus Christ and we are Christian. I know that this Church is the true Church. Its the same Church that was on the Earth at the time of Christ and that Prophets have been back on the Earth for 183 years now and they were and all are called by God. I know who I am, I know what I stand for, and I know where I am going. Do you?