Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Help Him to Help Others

  Today I want to talk about one of my amazing younger brothers, Austin. Austin is just amazing. I mean seriously, he is one of the best brothers. He is seriously one of my best friends. I can go to him for anything and he will just sit there and listen to me. He will put gas in my car when its cold outside and even when it is warm. He will even go to the doctors with me when I do not want to go alone. Seriously who does that? Oh right Austin will! Him and Riley [other amazing best younger brother] will take out the trash, mow the lawn, and shovel the walks without question. They are outstanding! One time, I asked Austin to go give a present to one of my friends back home, and he did it without question. Also, Austin is very compassionate and loves to serve. He has done so much around the neighborhood and in our Church.
     He is also, this summer, going to the Philippines for two weeks for a humanitarian trip. How cool right? Not only is he leaving just a week or two after graduation, but he is going to go work, not to play. He is so excited to go. Here is him explaining what he is doing, " This summer, I will be going to the Philippines with a group of volunteers to participate in a humanitarian service program sponsored by Reaching Out Worldwide ("ROW'), a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization focused on helping less fortunate people have better lives. I will be helping ROW to construct a water system; teaching how to keep the water supply clean by keeping litter and sewage away from it; constructing and outfitting birthing clinics;and equipping homes with clean-burning lanterns that will provide light to homes without electricity, making it possible for children to study without kerosene fumes." He is helping making this possible for people who he has never met and I think that is so cool. Anyways, he needs help raising the money so he can get there. You can help! Anything will help. Help him help others. Every little bit helps! He is an amazing guy who just wants to help others! All the money that is donated goes to funding his trip! You can make a donation to http://www.gofundme.com/antiquephilippines. You can help him help change the lives of others in the Philippines! I love what my brother is doing and where he is going in the world! Please anything helps!

Riley, Austin and I. They are just the best a girl can ever ask for!

1 comment:

  1. Amanders you and your brothers are so cute! I wish I had little brothers... well I guess I have little bros in-law, not the same though. So I think your blog is super cute and have nominated it for the Liebster Award. Details are here: http://snapshots87.blogspot.com/2013/03/liebster-award.html

    I hope life is treating you well and college is still just as adventurous without me ;)

