Monday, November 12, 2012

Random Act Of Kindness

   So yesterday in Relief Society we were talking about kindness and experiences with random acts of kindness that other people have done for us. This got me thinking of times people have done random acts of kindness for me. Like one time Alyssa, Kensey, Kenna, and Shawnee got into my room last year at Snow and "Heart Attacked" my room when they found out my dads cancer was terminal. How that made my day, month, and even year. It didn't take them ages to do it and they had fun doing it and it made my horrible month a better one. They also a couple months later hid easter eggs around my room. How sweet right? I love those girls so much. They decided to do something nice for someone and they had fun with it like hiding eggs in my boots haha. Yeah it made their day but I do not think they will ever know how much that impacted my life.
 Haha love them!

   Another experience I had was when my moms boss offered us a small vacation in Salt Lake at the hotel my mom works at. Once he found out about my dad, he wanted to do something nice for my family. And it was amazing. We got to have a great family weekend together in the hotel. It didn't take long or a lot of effort from my moms boss and his act of kindness is something that none of us will forget. And not only was it nice but it helped us create memories that will last a lifetime. Like how my dad said we were on a redneck vacation cause we went to dinner in the restaurant there and everyone was dressed up and we were all in t-shirts and jeans. Yeah definitely weird. Or how we were in Salt Lake when City Creek opened. Those memories are going to help us through this rough time.

 Riley and Daddy. (Daddy's first picture without braces and shows teeth!)
haha we were all wearing black shoes except daddy lol he didnt get the memo.

   There are so many more experiences I could go on and on about with people doing small and simple things for me but that is not why I wanted to post this. So I have been wanting to do some kind of random act of kindness and had no clue what to do or who to do it for. Then last sunday I found who I wanted to do it for and I had a feeling I needed to...I just didn't know what to do. They do not know me and I do not really know them. So ignoring the feeling I went on with my week. Then yesterday I got that feeling again and I was all umm okay I get that I need to do something they do not know me so what should I do. Then I was on Pinterest. Yes that amazing site girls can spend hours on. Well found my idea for what to do for that certain person. Cutest thing! You get herseys hugs and kisses and put the saying, "I thought you could use some hugs and kisses." Loved it! Told my roommates that we should do this because we were just talking about we should do something for this person(s). So today Ash and I went to the store and got the stuff for it since its late we will probably end up leaving it on their door tomorrow...who knows.

I had a little too much fun making the paper :)

  Anyways, I am not posting this to be all "Look what I did" "I am so good" yeah no that is not it. My point in doing this was to show that random acts of kindness and service can be fun and simple. It can makes someones day and also help them through some times. We do not know what they are going through but when we get that feeling to help we shouldn't ignore it because its not going to take much from your life and its going to make a difference in someones else's. Serving others is a fantastic thing. It makes your day so much better and it can be something small like giving someone candy or even just smiling at someone and saying hi. It does not have to be something huge so do not think that you cannot do anything because I promise you, you can do something! I challenge everyone to do some random act of kindness this week! :)

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