Okay so like I said in the first post I was blocked from progressing in my Aerial silks class. That was I think my first unblock once I realized my blocks. Again to give some background, I have been taking this class since April. In this class, we start out with some yoga to stretch and warm up our bodies. Then we go to climb the silks. Oh my. Never realized how much your body really has to do! I am still building up my strength for that. Then we go to ground tricks. To start this, you have to go upside down. So you split the silks and double wrap your arms, then you go upside down. Sounds easy enough right? Then once you are upside down, you do some fun tricks. However, you first need to go upside down.
My teacher had told me to just grab the silks with my toes and then push against the silks to get me upside down. I understood. Then I would go to do it, my foot would touch the silk, and then I would end up my feet back on the ground. Why? I kept asking myself. Why can't I do this? I am right there, so close and yet, I don't have it. Have you ever felt like that with anything? The struggle of knowing that you do have it, but you actually don't. Its very depressing and sometimes discouraging. What do you do when you don't know what to do? Do you just give up? Or do you keep trying? I decided to keep trying. One day, the class was just me and one other person. So I was able to really talk to my teacher and try other things so my body knew I could do it.
The next week my other college roommate, Amber came with Danielle to class. And we had to share a silk because class was packed. We get to the ground tricks part of class and BAM I DID IT! Oh my WHAT? What changed from the other weeks to that week? Honestly, I have no idea. We joked that it was Amber. And honestly maybe a part of it was. that feeling that my friend was also on the same level as me and it was comforting. Other part is that I just didn't even think of it. Did not think of what I needed to do, what I have done in the past or anything. I just cleared my head a did it. Finally! I crushed the block I had and man did it feel good! I have now been able to progress in my class and man has it been fun!
How many times are we so close to doing something and then we don't see that we can do it, so we quit? Or that we are stuck in the plateau and not progressing? Its pretty discouraging. You think, why bother? Why do I even try when I get the same results every time? Well, lets stop those thoughts. We have got to keep going and trying! Sometimes, it just takes you to say, I do believe I can do it! If we had a graph of our progression in life, it would not be just going up. There would be ups, downs, and plateaus. That is how we are. We need to remember that during those plateaus, we just need to keep pushing through. You will get to that uphill slope in time, that I promise. And when you do, its such an amazing experience as you continue and see the more you can do and be grateful for continuing on through the plateaus of life.
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