One of my old roommates, Danielle, had told me she had been taking an aerial silks class that I should take as well. I said okay and went to class that next week. Oh man how fun that class is and how hard it is! I have enjoyed learning and improving every week. So for the first couple of months, I was slacking at climbing and going upside down to do tricks. I was getting so frustrated, and at moments, so was my teacher. With going upside down, you need to hook your foot with the silk and it will help you up. I would get my foot past the silk, touch but couldn't hook. Why?! Flip, I still don't know the reason why. My teacher then was telling me I had a mental block. I was like I believe it, however I do not know why. I was stuck not understanding why I couldn't do it. My foot knew what to do, but my mind was saying, nope not going to happen. This got me thinking, I am blocked in so many other ways.
When I tell people I got my degree in Psychology, most are like oh know I better watch out so you don't psycho analyze me. I laugh and tell them I don't. The truth is though, do psycho analyze myself WAY TOO MUCH. I think of my actions and why it is and the events that lead up to it. Anyways, I realized that I have blocked myself in so many ways. So I was thinking, when had these blocks started. The major ones I mean, in all reality, we all block in times of our lives. Honestly, I started my major blocks, when my dad died. I thought I was okay and everything, but I was thinking about it, I am not the same person as before he died. Yes, it was a major life change and sad time in my life, but there is so much I used to do, that I don't do now, and haven't grown as much. I also think a lot of it was about not wanting to grow up really. Growing up means its time to get serious with everything and hard decisions to come. Nobody really wants to do that right?

There have been a lot of blocks I have noticed that I put up in the last couple years. I really want to explain each one in detail. So it will be a couple posts of blocks and how I noticed them and how I am working on conquering them. These post might be just for myself, or maybe the reason I feel that this is important to share is to help someone else. I guess we will see. Stay tuned.
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