Thursday, September 8, 2016

People Around? Why?

  Have you ever flown on a plane, been at a store, or on a train wondering why we are all in this one space at this time? I have, probably way too many times to count. A couple months ago, I flew alone to Oklahoma for a cousins wedding. I couldn't go with my family due to work, so I flew in the day of the wedding and was suppose to leave the next day. As I sat in my plane with my headphones on, I looked around at my fellow passengers. I was on my second plane of the morning. We were flying from Phoenix to Oklahoma City. I sat there and wondered, "Why in the world are all these people flying to Oklahoma?" Then it got me thinking, well actually some are flying to Oklahoma City as their final destination, others have it as a lay over to their destination. However, for that two and half hours or so, we were all within the same walls. Some of us spoke to each others, others (like me) tried to catch up on their sleep they missed by getting to the airport by 4:50 am. Here was my question, why did Heavenly Father put us all together? What influences could we possibly have on each other for the mer 2 1/2 hours we would be in each others lives?
  In the LDS church, we are taught that Heavenly Father has a plan for each and everyone of us. Yes all 7 billion people in the world have a personal plan created by our Father for our own growth. Now don't go thinking well "why did he plan this hard life for me?" or "I doubt he planned this for me." You can insert whatever you want in the "this." However, think back at that situation, how did it change you? How did the influence of that situation help you to be who you are today? Maybe that situation happened so you could meet someone or to help someone else out. We are put into peoples lives for a reason. There is a reason that we sit by a certain person on a plane. Even if you don't speak a word, Maybe its the way you act, or just your presence. There is a reason. A reason to grow, learn, and teach. He didn't make this life easy for us and thats okay. We are meant to come to this Earth to grow. We cannot grow if everything is just handed to us and that there is no pain.
   When we left the presence of our Heavenly Father, we left what we knew. We came to this Earth starting from square one. He didn't leave us totally empty handed saying just good luck. He strategically put people in our lives to guide us in the path He has planned for us. He has given us the opportunties to learn from each other, even from those who have come before us. We just need to look for it. We have to have our eyes open.
    So here is my challenge to you. Next time you are in a crowded place, look around maybe try to find the reason behind why you are in the same area as the people around. Or maybe at your work, school, church, etc. Ask the question, what can I learn from the influences around me? Why? I definitely believe, if you open your eyes to see, you will learn something from the complete strangers that surround you. You never know, maybe they wont be strangers for long.

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