Okay so like I said in the first post I was blocked from progressing in my Aerial silks class. That was I think my first unblock once I realized my blocks. Again to give some background, I have been taking this class since April. In this class, we start out with some yoga to stretch and warm up our bodies. Then we go to climb the silks. Oh my. Never realized how much your body really has to do! I am still building up my strength for that. Then we go to ground tricks. To start this, you have to go upside down. So you split the silks and double wrap your arms, then you go upside down. Sounds easy enough right? Then once you are upside down, you do some fun tricks. However, you first need to go upside down.
My teacher had told me to just grab the silks with my toes and then push against the silks to get me upside down. I understood. Then I would go to do it, my foot would touch the silk, and then I would end up my feet back on the ground. Why? I kept asking myself. Why can't I do this? I am right there, so close and yet, I don't have it. Have you ever felt like that with anything? The struggle of knowing that you do have it, but you actually don't. Its very depressing and sometimes discouraging. What do you do when you don't know what to do? Do you just give up? Or do you keep trying? I decided to keep trying. One day, the class was just me and one other person. So I was able to really talk to my teacher and try other things so my body knew I could do it.
The next week my other college roommate, Amber came with Danielle to class. And we had to share a silk because class was packed. We get to the ground tricks part of class and BAM I DID IT! Oh my WHAT? What changed from the other weeks to that week? Honestly, I have no idea. We joked that it was Amber. And honestly maybe a part of it was. that feeling that my friend was also on the same level as me and it was comforting. Other part is that I just didn't even think of it. Did not think of what I needed to do, what I have done in the past or anything. I just cleared my head a did it. Finally! I crushed the block I had and man did it feel good! I have now been able to progress in my class and man has it been fun!
How many times are we so close to doing something and then we don't see that we can do it, so we quit? Or that we are stuck in the plateau and not progressing? Its pretty discouraging. You think, why bother? Why do I even try when I get the same results every time? Well, lets stop those thoughts. We have got to keep going and trying! Sometimes, it just takes you to say, I do believe I can do it! If we had a graph of our progression in life, it would not be just going up. There would be ups, downs, and plateaus. That is how we are. We need to remember that during those plateaus, we just need to keep pushing through. You will get to that uphill slope in time, that I promise. And when you do, its such an amazing experience as you continue and see the more you can do and be grateful for continuing on through the plateaus of life.
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Unblock: Post 1
One of my old roommates, Danielle, had told me she had been taking an aerial silks class that I should take as well. I said okay and went to class that next week. Oh man how fun that class is and how hard it is! I have enjoyed learning and improving every week. So for the first couple of months, I was slacking at climbing and going upside down to do tricks. I was getting so frustrated, and at moments, so was my teacher. With going upside down, you need to hook your foot with the silk and it will help you up. I would get my foot past the silk, touch but couldn't hook. Why?! Flip, I still don't know the reason why. My teacher then was telling me I had a mental block. I was like I believe it, however I do not know why. I was stuck not understanding why I couldn't do it. My foot knew what to do, but my mind was saying, nope not going to happen. This got me thinking, I am blocked in so many other ways.
When I tell people I got my degree in Psychology, most are like oh know I better watch out so you don't psycho analyze me. I laugh and tell them I don't. The truth is though, do psycho analyze myself WAY TOO MUCH. I think of my actions and why it is and the events that lead up to it. Anyways, I realized that I have blocked myself in so many ways. So I was thinking, when had these blocks started. The major ones I mean, in all reality, we all block in times of our lives. Honestly, I started my major blocks, when my dad died. I thought I was okay and everything, but I was thinking about it, I am not the same person as before he died. Yes, it was a major life change and sad time in my life, but there is so much I used to do, that I don't do now, and haven't grown as much. I also think a lot of it was about not wanting to grow up really. Growing up means its time to get serious with everything and hard decisions to come. Nobody really wants to do that right?
There have been a lot of blocks I have noticed that I put up in the last couple years. I really want to explain each one in detail. So it will be a couple posts of blocks and how I noticed them and how I am working on conquering them. These post might be just for myself, or maybe the reason I feel that this is important to share is to help someone else. I guess we will see. Stay tuned.

Thursday, September 8, 2016
People Around? Why?
Have you ever flown on a plane, been at a store, or on a train wondering why we are all in this one space at this time? I have, probably way too many times to count. A couple months ago, I flew alone to Oklahoma for a cousins wedding. I couldn't go with my family due to work, so I flew in the day of the wedding and was suppose to leave the next day. As I sat in my plane with my headphones on, I looked around at my fellow passengers. I was on my second plane of the morning. We were flying from Phoenix to Oklahoma City. I sat there and wondered, "Why in the world are all these people flying to Oklahoma?" Then it got me thinking, well actually some are flying to Oklahoma City as their final destination, others have it as a lay over to their destination. However, for that two and half hours or so, we were all within the same walls. Some of us spoke to each others, others (like me) tried to catch up on their sleep they missed by getting to the airport by 4:50 am. Here was my question, why did Heavenly Father put us all together? What influences could we possibly have on each other for the mer 2 1/2 hours we would be in each others lives?
In the LDS church, we are taught that Heavenly Father has a plan for each and everyone of us. Yes all 7 billion people in the world have a personal plan created by our Father for our own growth. Now don't go thinking well "why did he plan this hard life for me?" or "I doubt he planned this for me." You can insert whatever you want in the "this." However, think back at that situation, how did it change you? How did the influence of that situation help you to be who you are today? Maybe that situation happened so you could meet someone or to help someone else out. We are put into peoples lives for a reason. There is a reason that we sit by a certain person on a plane. Even if you don't speak a word, Maybe its the way you act, or just your presence. There is a reason. A reason to grow, learn, and teach. He didn't make this life easy for us and thats okay. We are meant to come to this Earth to grow. We cannot grow if everything is just handed to us and that there is no pain.
When we left the presence of our Heavenly Father, we left what we knew. We came to this Earth starting from square one. He didn't leave us totally empty handed saying just good luck. He strategically put people in our lives to guide us in the path He has planned for us. He has given us the opportunties to learn from each other, even from those who have come before us. We just need to look for it. We have to have our eyes open.
So here is my challenge to you. Next time you are in a crowded place, look around maybe try to find the reason behind why you are in the same area as the people around. Or maybe at your work, school, church, etc. Ask the question, what can I learn from the influences around me? Why? I definitely believe, if you open your eyes to see, you will learn something from the complete strangers that surround you. You never know, maybe they wont be strangers for long.
In the LDS church, we are taught that Heavenly Father has a plan for each and everyone of us. Yes all 7 billion people in the world have a personal plan created by our Father for our own growth. Now don't go thinking well "why did he plan this hard life for me?" or "I doubt he planned this for me." You can insert whatever you want in the "this." However, think back at that situation, how did it change you? How did the influence of that situation help you to be who you are today? Maybe that situation happened so you could meet someone or to help someone else out. We are put into peoples lives for a reason. There is a reason that we sit by a certain person on a plane. Even if you don't speak a word, Maybe its the way you act, or just your presence. There is a reason. A reason to grow, learn, and teach. He didn't make this life easy for us and thats okay. We are meant to come to this Earth to grow. We cannot grow if everything is just handed to us and that there is no pain.
When we left the presence of our Heavenly Father, we left what we knew. We came to this Earth starting from square one. He didn't leave us totally empty handed saying just good luck. He strategically put people in our lives to guide us in the path He has planned for us. He has given us the opportunties to learn from each other, even from those who have come before us. We just need to look for it. We have to have our eyes open.
So here is my challenge to you. Next time you are in a crowded place, look around maybe try to find the reason behind why you are in the same area as the people around. Or maybe at your work, school, church, etc. Ask the question, what can I learn from the influences around me? Why? I definitely believe, if you open your eyes to see, you will learn something from the complete strangers that surround you. You never know, maybe they wont be strangers for long.
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
How Becoming an EFY Counselor Shaped My Life.
When seeing the new counselor recruitment video for EFY (that will be shown to the public soon), it got me thinking about my time as a counselor. I heard of
becoming a counselor from my roommate, Ashley. I had never gone to EFY
but I thought it would be fun. Did I know at the
time that it would seriously be life changing and that this job would
help me in so many ways, I cannot possibly name every single one of
them.. Nope I did not. My first summer was fun. It was a little
confusing to get the swing of things, however it was amazing.
I only worked about three weeks my first summer. The memories of my
first girls starving because I thought that we needed to go together to
dinner. To working a stay at home session, where I even ran into my
first seminary teacher who remembered me. I wanted
to do it again. I got all excited about it all year.
My first group that started it all.
My second group.
We had a secret counselor thing this week, and this is how I reviled myself.
My co's for my last week that summer.
When I got the email saying I was working that next
summer, I was so excited and yet I was conflicted. In my personal life,
that was when my dad was getting worse and now I know, it would be his
last summer. I didn’t know what to do. After
praying and praying and praying some more, I felt that I needed to go.
It was five weeks in a row out of state, then one here in the state of
Utah. Everytime I was about to bail, I kept getting the feeling that I
needed to go. How could I leave with the chance
of never seeing my dad again? How would I know he would be okay? Was I
being selfish to wanting to have a good summer experience while at home
life was crashing? So many questions went through my head. I had a
meltdown the day I had to leave. I had an alone
moment with my dad and I just lost it. He kept telling me he would be
right here when I got back. (He was there when I came back. He even came to the airport to pick me up) And I knew I needed to go there was a reason I didn't know at that moment, but I knew I would find out. That day at the
airport I looked around at my co-workers wondering if they could tell I
was just bailing. Wondering what its going
to be like to work with them this summer. Slowly, I started becoming
friends with them.Started creating lasting memories and lasting friendships. From walking around flagstaff, and trying to have panda express to the beach and freebirds/the habit. Those friends also helped me through one of the hardest trials that I have gone through so far in this lifetime. They helped by their example, them listening, and sharing their testimonies. And I can't thank them enough for that. And to this day we are still great friends no matter the distance.
This is Andres and we were so excited to see the ocean!
Naps are essential for counselors no matter where or when. If you can get a nap... TAKE IT!
Meet Bonnie. Probably one of the coolest people I know.
We get to do some awesome things on the weekend. Like hang out with Starfish.
Learned how to give a buzz cut!
Counselors get to go to the beach :) if you go to Santa Barbara.
Our chill out spot.
Not only was it the friends that I made that helped me, it was my wonderful kids. Every week I got to meet a new set of kids each week. As I got to get to know them and teach them, honestly they taught me more than they will ever really know. That summer, we talked a lot about the plan of salvation and about trials. Each week my personal testimony grew and with that, I was comforted for what was coming at the end of that summer. I know those kids that I met, were suppose to come into my life, at that time, for a reason. The Lord definitely knows who and what we need and when we need it. He knew what was going to happen the end of that summer, He knew what I needed that summer. He knew that my little brother Riley needed that alone time with my father. He knew that it would have been one of the hardest decisions of my life and I would choose it all over again.
Some of my fun groups that summer!
The next summer was just as amazing. So much memories and again the testimony builder that summer was. Watching kids that did not know each other, to becoming friends by the end of the week. Witnessing a boy decide that he is going to service a LDS mission and is now serving that mission. Seeing kids from the past year once again and seeing them continuing to grow. I had a girl who had also lost her father that year in my group. Honestly, that showed me how much our Father in Heaven really knows when we need each other. I got to talk with this girl and really talk with someone who also lost her father. Another tragedy happened in my family that summer, I got the call from my mom that my cousin had passed away. I was at a session in Provo and it was spiritual thursday. The kids I had that week said some amazing things that I needed to hear and be comforted. To top off they didn't even know about my phone call until the next day. I received a blessing that night from my co-counselor and one line from that blessing has stuck with me to this day, "Heavenly Father has given you these trials to help shape you into the woman that He needs you to be." I am reminded of that when hard times come.
We get to see temples on our way to adventure the new!
Suspenders are in at EFY.
Bubble bubble gum in a dish, how many pieces do you wish?
The three summers of being an EFY counselor helped shape me into the woman I am today and continues to influence my life. I am so glad that my roommate Ashley talked to me about being a counselor. EFY has helped me in so many ways that I could not all list. I love the friendships I made, I love seeing my kids grow as I keep up with them through facebook, and I love the testimony I gained about the Gospel through my experiences at EFY. As you are thinking of what to do for the summer, and you need a job. Seriously, look into becoming an EFY counselor. You will not regret it. You get to travel, dance, teach, and meet some of the coolest people. Go to efy.byu.edu/counselor for more information. It will be one of the best decisions you will ever make.
Life-long friends!
Sweet girls.
Color pants friday is a must. ;)
Monday, February 22, 2016
Who Knew the Best Gift in Life Came With Four Legs and WHOLE LOT Of Fur.
I did not do much this weekend. There was a moment on Saturday night that I want to share. So I put on a movie because I felt like I couldn't go to sleep so early on a saturday night. Then who better to watch with was my dog, Roki. She came up next to me on my bed, and just put her head on my chest and watched the movie with me. Honestly, its the best part of my night when she comes up and is ready to cuddle and go to bed. She just knows when I need her or need a distraction. She makes me laugh, and yes can drive me crazy sometimes but man do I love her.
Roki is about a year and half old dog. She is an akita lab mix. So yes she is a big dog that sheds... A LOT. But I wouldn't change anything. Now let me tell you a little back story about Roki. She was born in August of 2014. Her mom is my cousin M'Lee's dog. I didn't think of much when she had the puppies. We already at two dogs in the house and so honestly a puppy wasn't thought of. Well the first weekend of October my aunt Suzette was over (who is M'Lee's mom) and she was talking about the puppies. We learned something about the puppies that changed our thoughts and would change our lives. We learned the puppies were a mix of Lab and Akita. Now another back story, my dad, who passed away in August of 2013, wanted an Akita so badly but never got the chance to have one as a pet. Once we thought about it, we had to have one. We knew that if dad was alive we would have gotten a puppy no matter what. When we decide on wanting one, my aunt tells us that all the puppies are called for. What? Nooo! We were sad to hear this because now we were all puppy hungry. Luckily, a little while later, we find out that two people have backed out and we had a choice between a boy or a girl. We chose the girl. A week or so later, she became part of our family.
Roki is a nickname for her actual name. Her real name is Rock Me Amadeus. Now laugh if you must but once again there is a reason. My father always joked about naming my youngest brother Rock Me Amadeus. Then it became a big joke and we know thats exactly what he would have named her if he was still here. So we do call her Roki (Rockie) and yes we had to spell it funky, because why not right?!
Now you know how we got her. Now to explain how she changed me. First, I did not like our dogs too much. Whitney was a sweet dog, however she did not like a whole lot of new people, and so that got frustrating at times. Zoey can be a good dog at times, however she barks at everything which is frustrating as well. I loved them dont get me wrong, these little features just bugged me. Once Roki joined it changed. I saw more than just the annoying features and enjoyed having the dogs around. Second, I just felt bitter about almost everything. I honestly don't know what it was. I guess some of it could be that at the moment I didn't have a job, I was suppose to be able to get a job with my so called bachelors but nothing was coming. Then I was sad that I was done with school and actually had to join the real world. Then this little dog came into my life, and things changed. I just had a better feel of life. I can't really explain it. That moment I come home and see the excitement on her face that your back is the best thing. Third, she teaches me more things about one day being a mom. How consistency is important, how she isn't going to be exactly what I want at times, she needs consistent attention, and also she needs a consistent bedtime. Yes she needs to be in bed by a certain time or if not she is up for hours.
The coolest part is that we have the one pup who looks and acts the most Akita out of all her siblings. Which I think is definitely not a coincidence. She has the cute ears, curled tail, and the mannerisms like acting like a cat, must have anything in her mouth at all times, and so loyal.
I honestly know that Roki was meant to be my dog. And she has taught me so much in this year and a half that I can't possibly write all of it or explain all of it. Now you might think I am crazy for saying this about my dog. I would say maybe it was not a dog for you that changed you. It might be a child, or an experience that made you realize so much about life. For me it was my dog. I am excited what the next years will bring with her and more life lessons I will learn from her. Now for some it might be a dog, others another experience but whatever it may be I hope its helped you the way Roki has helped me.
Roki is by far one of the best gifts that has come into my life. We are both learning and growing together everyday. I owe so much to her and I get a lot more years to repay her. I thank my Heavenly Father for bring this blessing into my life. He knew what I needed and who I needed. He is pretty awesome like that.
Roki is about a year and half old dog. She is an akita lab mix. So yes she is a big dog that sheds... A LOT. But I wouldn't change anything. Now let me tell you a little back story about Roki. She was born in August of 2014. Her mom is my cousin M'Lee's dog. I didn't think of much when she had the puppies. We already at two dogs in the house and so honestly a puppy wasn't thought of. Well the first weekend of October my aunt Suzette was over (who is M'Lee's mom) and she was talking about the puppies. We learned something about the puppies that changed our thoughts and would change our lives. We learned the puppies were a mix of Lab and Akita. Now another back story, my dad, who passed away in August of 2013, wanted an Akita so badly but never got the chance to have one as a pet. Once we thought about it, we had to have one. We knew that if dad was alive we would have gotten a puppy no matter what. When we decide on wanting one, my aunt tells us that all the puppies are called for. What? Nooo! We were sad to hear this because now we were all puppy hungry. Luckily, a little while later, we find out that two people have backed out and we had a choice between a boy or a girl. We chose the girl. A week or so later, she became part of our family.
Roki is a nickname for her actual name. Her real name is Rock Me Amadeus. Now laugh if you must but once again there is a reason. My father always joked about naming my youngest brother Rock Me Amadeus. Then it became a big joke and we know thats exactly what he would have named her if he was still here. So we do call her Roki (Rockie) and yes we had to spell it funky, because why not right?!
Now you know how we got her. Now to explain how she changed me. First, I did not like our dogs too much. Whitney was a sweet dog, however she did not like a whole lot of new people, and so that got frustrating at times. Zoey can be a good dog at times, however she barks at everything which is frustrating as well. I loved them dont get me wrong, these little features just bugged me. Once Roki joined it changed. I saw more than just the annoying features and enjoyed having the dogs around. Second, I just felt bitter about almost everything. I honestly don't know what it was. I guess some of it could be that at the moment I didn't have a job, I was suppose to be able to get a job with my so called bachelors but nothing was coming. Then I was sad that I was done with school and actually had to join the real world. Then this little dog came into my life, and things changed. I just had a better feel of life. I can't really explain it. That moment I come home and see the excitement on her face that your back is the best thing. Third, she teaches me more things about one day being a mom. How consistency is important, how she isn't going to be exactly what I want at times, she needs consistent attention, and also she needs a consistent bedtime. Yes she needs to be in bed by a certain time or if not she is up for hours.
The coolest part is that we have the one pup who looks and acts the most Akita out of all her siblings. Which I think is definitely not a coincidence. She has the cute ears, curled tail, and the mannerisms like acting like a cat, must have anything in her mouth at all times, and so loyal.
I honestly know that Roki was meant to be my dog. And she has taught me so much in this year and a half that I can't possibly write all of it or explain all of it. Now you might think I am crazy for saying this about my dog. I would say maybe it was not a dog for you that changed you. It might be a child, or an experience that made you realize so much about life. For me it was my dog. I am excited what the next years will bring with her and more life lessons I will learn from her. Now for some it might be a dog, others another experience but whatever it may be I hope its helped you the way Roki has helped me.
Roki is by far one of the best gifts that has come into my life. We are both learning and growing together everyday. I owe so much to her and I get a lot more years to repay her. I thank my Heavenly Father for bring this blessing into my life. He knew what I needed and who I needed. He is pretty awesome like that.
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