Monday, November 12, 2012

Random Act Of Kindness

   So yesterday in Relief Society we were talking about kindness and experiences with random acts of kindness that other people have done for us. This got me thinking of times people have done random acts of kindness for me. Like one time Alyssa, Kensey, Kenna, and Shawnee got into my room last year at Snow and "Heart Attacked" my room when they found out my dads cancer was terminal. How that made my day, month, and even year. It didn't take them ages to do it and they had fun doing it and it made my horrible month a better one. They also a couple months later hid easter eggs around my room. How sweet right? I love those girls so much. They decided to do something nice for someone and they had fun with it like hiding eggs in my boots haha. Yeah it made their day but I do not think they will ever know how much that impacted my life.
 Haha love them!

   Another experience I had was when my moms boss offered us a small vacation in Salt Lake at the hotel my mom works at. Once he found out about my dad, he wanted to do something nice for my family. And it was amazing. We got to have a great family weekend together in the hotel. It didn't take long or a lot of effort from my moms boss and his act of kindness is something that none of us will forget. And not only was it nice but it helped us create memories that will last a lifetime. Like how my dad said we were on a redneck vacation cause we went to dinner in the restaurant there and everyone was dressed up and we were all in t-shirts and jeans. Yeah definitely weird. Or how we were in Salt Lake when City Creek opened. Those memories are going to help us through this rough time.

 Riley and Daddy. (Daddy's first picture without braces and shows teeth!)
haha we were all wearing black shoes except daddy lol he didnt get the memo.

   There are so many more experiences I could go on and on about with people doing small and simple things for me but that is not why I wanted to post this. So I have been wanting to do some kind of random act of kindness and had no clue what to do or who to do it for. Then last sunday I found who I wanted to do it for and I had a feeling I needed to...I just didn't know what to do. They do not know me and I do not really know them. So ignoring the feeling I went on with my week. Then yesterday I got that feeling again and I was all umm okay I get that I need to do something they do not know me so what should I do. Then I was on Pinterest. Yes that amazing site girls can spend hours on. Well found my idea for what to do for that certain person. Cutest thing! You get herseys hugs and kisses and put the saying, "I thought you could use some hugs and kisses." Loved it! Told my roommates that we should do this because we were just talking about we should do something for this person(s). So today Ash and I went to the store and got the stuff for it since its late we will probably end up leaving it on their door tomorrow...who knows.

I had a little too much fun making the paper :)

  Anyways, I am not posting this to be all "Look what I did" "I am so good" yeah no that is not it. My point in doing this was to show that random acts of kindness and service can be fun and simple. It can makes someones day and also help them through some times. We do not know what they are going through but when we get that feeling to help we shouldn't ignore it because its not going to take much from your life and its going to make a difference in someones else's. Serving others is a fantastic thing. It makes your day so much better and it can be something small like giving someone candy or even just smiling at someone and saying hi. It does not have to be something huge so do not think that you cannot do anything because I promise you, you can do something! I challenge everyone to do some random act of kindness this week! :)

Friday, November 9, 2012

Everything Happens For A Reason

     A lot of things have been happening that make no sense to me or just make me annoyed but one thing that I have come to realize is that everything happens for a reason. President Thomas S. Monson talked about this in the Sunday morning session of this past conference. He mentioned stories of his life that he was at a certain place at a certain time for a certain reason or that a certain thing happened for a certain reason. Now at first he did not understand the reasoning behind why he had to go where he had to go but he went and later learned the reasoning. This talk really hit me and has stuck with me this past month. Its been almost a year since I found out about my dad's cancer. I never blamed anyone or anything for my dad having cancer but I never understood why he had to be the one to get it. This past year has been a trial for me with this because knowing that it might be the last time I get to see him or the last holiday I get to spend with him its hard. Lately, I have felt that its just been one thing after the next. But this talk and some good friends advice is that everything happens for a reason. It truly does. I know that this trial is meant to strengthen my family and me.
     Another thing that got me was when I was in California. I knew I had to be there for the birth of my nephew but I didn't know I needed to be there for another reason. When we were waiting, Jaimie [Amber's mom] sat down next to me and we had a really good talk about my dad and she made me realize something that I never really thought of...His side. I was so stubborn and pissed about things that are going on with him I never stopped to think what he was thinking. Now yes I could ask him but where do you think I get my stubbornness from. He tells me he is fine. Which right now he is but for me I need to know more than fine. Honestly, she told me something that no one has told me face to face straight out and she is probably the only person I wouldn't smack for telling me it. I really needed to hear it and you know what it has helped so much. Now does she know that helped me probably not. Did I know that that would give me comfort or strength? Heck No! But you know what I was in a certain place at a certain time for a certain reason...well reasons.
    Now this week is what I should really talk about. Right now as I type, I was suppose to be in a hotel next to the beach in Southern California for my cousins wedding. But with certain things that come up and obstacles that made it so that really we should not go. Now yes it is sad and bumming that I am missing my cousins wedding but I know that everything happens for a reason. There is a reason that we were not meant to go to California. More in likely we will never know the reason behind why we shouldn't  have gone. But I can already see some of the benefits of staying, saving money, saving vacation days, not missing school, etc. And also we were kind of treating this trip as a must go because we do not know how many trips we get left with my dad but I believe that we will have more time because if that was the case these obstacles wouldn't have been in our way, I would be at the hotel on the beach right now if Heavenly Father knew that my dads time was coming closer than we thought. Heavenly Father works in mysterious ways.
    Sometimes when going through something that just plain out sucks its hard to tell yourself or someone else that everything happens for a reason. There is a reason for this or that but you know what its the truth. We are here on this earth for a reason in it self. Do you honestly think that we would have all these problems or bumps in the road for nothing?! No because of those bumps it takes you to something better and greater. Think about your trials or problems, they have some how made you stronger or something good secretly came out of it. With my trial of my parents having cancer, I have a strong connection to my family that most families do not have. I have a relationship with my brothers that you usually do not get with siblings until your old and married. I have realized that people can be gone or sick with a blink of an eye. I also realized that life is just to short to miss. Now yes I have more trials in my life than my parents having or had cancer and you know what I have learned from those too and they have made me the person I am today. So even though it can be a rough time just remember...Everything Happens For A Reason!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Home Sweet California!

Guess what everyone?! I AM AN AUNT! Yep that is right! My sister just had a sweet little boy named Dillon! So of course I had to get my butt down to California for his birth! I didn't want to go alone so one of my best friends Alyssa went with me on this wonderful trip! Man what a blast it was! We drove to Vegas and flew out of Vegas cause we got great deals on tickets! We walked the strip cause we got to vegas super early. Lets see, some dude wouldn't take no for an answer and I got bit in the head by a polar bear. Haha ohh man what happens in Vegas. Look at this creepy bear!

Then when we got to California, my grandparents took us to my favorite restaurant ...COCO'S! It is like going home and having mom make you a nice home cooked meal. It is the best. Thursday was a crazy lets see everything we can day. We went to the best place on earth...THE BEACH! I love the beach. It is the one place in the world where everything is okay, the ocean is so peaceful and beautiful. You know how everyone has that one place where you can just sit for hours and think...Well the beach is my place which kinda stinks cause its 6 hours away lol. 

Then we decided to go walk around the Newport Beach Temple!! ahh my favorite temple. When the temple was announced, everyone in my stake were ecstatic because that meant there was going to be a closer temple! LA is not totally far in miles but with traffic and everything its can be a long trip. I was in Primary at the time and they handed rocks to each primary child and asked for us to write our name and our favorite scripture or primary song on this rock. In result they put all those rocks under the baptismal font in the Newport Beach temple. How legit. So a part of me is in that temple! That is why I really want to get married in that temple because it is home for me. 

Thursday night we met up with my old friend Jean Luke. I haven't seen him since 3rd grade! Crazy right?! It was so much fun to catch up with him and we had an amazing time just talking and laughing. I can't remember the last time I laughed so much. It was fun and he might come up to Utah during Christmas break with our friend Pavan! Yay! I love re developing friendships!

Friday was the big day! So before it happened Alyssa and I went to lunch and the movies with Jaimie and Amber. It was kinda cool to be a part of her last activity before she became a mom. After hours and hours of waiting, little Dillon Sinclair was born into this world. He was 6 pounds 10 ounces and 19 inches long. Love that little boy so much! He is so tiny and just so chill. I cannot wait to see what he does in this world. 

So really the rest of the weekend was great! Swap meet with Alyssa, holding Dillon more, went to my grandparents ward halloween party, going to my cousin sierra's dedication, holding Dillon more, feeding and burping Dillon, and then headed back to Utah. It was a great weekend and a busy one. Loved every minute of it and it was all worth it to get to hold my nephew the day he was born and the two days after. It was great to be there! 

Thank you Utah for having Fall Break!

Fall break is a fantastic time of year for us college students. Four days off school usually right after midterms. Its seriously heaven! Since I live farther now, I never really go home because of the time of travel, gas prices and have you seen my car? Chevy Trailblazer does not get the best gas mileage at all. Anyways so I got to finally go home! I didn't realize how home sick I really was until it was like two days before I got to go home and I was all ahhhh I can't wait. Funny thing was that I told my family I was coming home Saturday because SUU was playing Weber State and they know how much I love football :). But I decided it was more important to be home with the family! So I drove up Friday with my roomie Ashley. When I got home only Riley was there and I didn't see anyone for hours later. It was a fun little surprise! Then we ended up going to see Taken 2 all together as a family that night! It was so great to be with my family again! I definitely missed them. My weekend was very low key and family based and I loved it. Got to go on a drive with my mom and shop, went on a fun date, carved pumpkins with the fam, got to take my little cousins for the day and play with them, and got to visit old friends at Snow College! What a fantastic weekend! Seriously my favorite part of that weekend was that I got my two little cousins for a whole day! I took them to McDonalds and the park and seriously they keep me so entertained. I love them! This was definitely a great and needed break!! 
 Cayden and Sam had a sleepover in my room :)
 Aren't they the cutest?!
 Okay seriously how cute? Cayden is 5 years old and Sam is 2 years old!
 Sarah and I about to carve our pumpkins!
 Look mommy at the mess we are making!
Cayden wanted to push Sam! What a sweet big brother!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

What Happened?

    So this week my Grandma Kittie posted a picture on facebook of my cousin, M'Lee and me back in like 2004. I commented on how wow that was forever ago. It got me thinking, what happened? What happened to all of us hanging out and just having fun together? Making up dances to NSYNC and Backstreet Boys to perform for the family. What happened to stunting at family parties or even dance parties? What happened to just goofing off? Not even what happened to all of us cousins hanging out but what happened with the world? What happened to music that was just fun to listen to and made you want to find that "true love"? What happened to the music that didn't talk about sex, drugs or partying? What happened to asking the person you like out on a date, not a "lets hang out"? What happened to actually talking about problems or even just talking on the phone for hours or even just a couple of minutes? What happened to writing letters to people? What happened to actually calling someone on their birthday? What happened to our imaginations? What happened to believing in magic and believing dreams to come true?
[Lori and I at age 4 at Disneyland. When everything was okay and no cares in the world]
    The world has changed. Now a lot of that is because we grow up. We realize that we can't be sitting around making up silly dances that no one is really going to remember in a week. We realize that the world is not all happy and joyful. But some of those things why have they changed? Why does no one ask each other on dates? Why does no one write letters to people anymore [except for the LDS culture where that is the only way we can contact our lovely missionaries]? Why do we not call people anymore?Think about it. Why? What has changed? We can still speak and write so why don't we? So much could change if we just speak out and say what is on our minds to someones face and not hide behind facebook, texting or in this case blogging. Seriously, what has this world come to? Remember when we were younger and believed in fairy tales and that everything is going to work out because that can still happen. Fairy tales yeah you are more in likely not going to find a legit prince with a throne but you can find a knight in shinning armor who can make you happy, that can be your fairy tale. Yeah life sucks, I know for first hand but the things that make it suck does not compare to the stuff that makes life amazing  why not do all of these things that do make life that much better. So what happened world? What happened?

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

General Conference... Always an amazing weekend

This past weekend was General Conference weekend. This happens twice a year, general authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints talk to all the members of the church through television and talk to whoever is willing to listen. It is a great time to hear from our beloved prophet and other leaders who are the mouth pieces of the Lord. I love this because when I have questions about life, the church or whatever I seriously get my answers through the talks that are given during this weekend.
After hearing the talks from this weekend, I am comforted with what lies ahead, I know that everything happens for a reason, and so much more.
The interesting thing that happened this week was that the Prophet announced that the ages for being able to serve a religious mission has been lowered. Men can now serve at age 18 and the women can now serve at age 19. Wow that is history in the making and it was really cool to hear that for the first time with everyone else in the world. I honestly think that is a good thing. Now boys can leave right after high school and more girls will go because they do not have to wait so long and they will more inlikely go because they will only have a year of school maybe and they are more in likely not to be married or tied down so nothing is stopping them from serving. Now hearing this I still do not feel the need to serve but its cool to know I can and gives me even more respect for those who do.
I love this amazing gospel. I know that this church is true and that there are prophets on the earth once again. I know that Christ lives and loves me. And I know that their is a plan for each and every one of us. I do know that if you just listen to General Conference you would see the joy this Church brings to me and every member. Go to and type in general conference talks and just read some, they can apply to everyone even if you are not a member. Yes there is a lot of religion in the talks but there is also so much advice about how to deal with the world around us and who doesn't need that? :)

Monday, October 1, 2012

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Mom's Last Day of Chemo in 2007
So everyone today starts the beautiful month of October. Now one thing that is special about October is the fact it is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Breast Cancer can be curable if found in time. My mother is a great example of this. In June of 2007 my mom was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Luckily, by January 2008 she got to declare herself cancer free. I remember how hard those months were, seeing my mom still do her everyday things and coming to cheer competitions and football games. She still didn't let her cancer bring her down. I still remember the day we shaved her head. It was after my sophomore orientation for high school and when she got up out of her seat we saw all her hair and knew it was time. So we got the family together and all got to be apart of it. We even put her hair in a Mohawk  How many kids get to say they shaved their mothers hair into a Mohawk? Yeah not many. Soon when mom reaches her 5 year mark there is a less likely of a chance for it to come back. So we will keep praying that it does not come back. But there was an upside to this cancer. Yes I am serious an upside. Because my mom got cancer right when I was starting high school I learned to hang out with my mom and have fun with her. I have never had that big time in life when I hated my parents or didn't want to hang with them because I saw how fast and easy it is for them to be gone or sick and I do not want to waste the time that I do have with them. Also, because of cancer my brothers and I have become the best of friends, we hardly fight and know how to help each other and we love being with each other. So yes cancer sucks its a freaking hoe that gets around to anyone it can get and yes sometimes it takes the people we love away from us but something positive needs to come out of this. For me it was learning how important family is and that I need to cherish the moments I have with people because you never know when it is going to be your last.
                     My mom and I in August 2012 [her hair is longer than mine]

Sunday, September 23, 2012

I feel so small town...

Being in Cedar for what a month now, it still feels so weird. If I want Cafe Rio, I can go get it because its down the street. I have three grocery stores to choose from. I have about 50 gas stations to choose from. I have to go through two sometimes three stop lights just to get to one class. If I walk to school its going to take me as long as if I would walk to campus at snow and back and still would be walking a little bit. It is so weird. I am from a big city well more like suburb, and yet when it comes to going to school, I am used to little tiny Ephraim. It has definitely been a different but good change. I like the fact that there is more to choose on where I want to go. Like for example, instead of going to McDonalds for a dollar menu item during the day, I can go to this place called G.I. Jo's where I can get a whole meal for a dollar. I am not lying. Its a culinary school, so they learn to cook and we get decent food out of it. Seriously, how cool is that?! Its such a fun place to be, go with a whole group of friends and make more while you are there. Go try it out for yourselves, you will not be disappointed!
    Okay now I guess you want to know what I have been up to? Well nothing real exciting has happened since the last post. Our first home football game was a blast and we won! It was really cool because in that same weekend, Taylorsville High won their homecoming game, and Snow College won their game. So every school I have attended won their games that weekend. Pretty cool I must say. Oh and the Chargers won too. I got sick this past week and you know what it sucked. I mean getting sick sucks period, but when you are away at school it sucks more because your mom is not there for you. Yeah that's right I was missing my mom. Moms are always there when you are sick but when they live three and a half hours away. But all better now! Well that's about it. Anything new happens you will all know sometime soon. :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

First week as a T-Bird

School school school. That wonderful time of the year when everyone between the ages of 6 to 25 get back to the books. Most people complain that its the end of summer but for me I was actually excited. Honestly it was more that I was excited to a change! A new city, new campus, new roommates, and so much more! Funny thing was that I was scared about one thing...Riding my bike to school. Now now do not judge me, it is a serious fear when the last time you really road a bike was when I lived in California. But I love my bike! It is so much fun and its a peaceful workout while heading to class.
So you want to know the fun times of my Cedar adventures. Well here in this picture is A. our first roommate picture! Yay from left to right, Simone, Kelsey, Yours truly, Ashley, and Lauren! B. This is us at Casino night! Here we all got fake money and got to play 21, poker, texas holdem, etc. I stuck with 21 and did pretty good at it. Would I ever do it for real money...Probably not for the fact that I probably would not be as lucky. But funny thing was that we were going to Casino night and didn't want to walk around the building so we climbed the rocks in HIGH HEELS and DRESSES! Yeah we are pretty legit! That was a fun night!
Next wonderful experience! Our first tailgate!! Ahh so since our first football game was away at Utah State we had a tailgate and watched the game on two 50 inch TVs. It was a ton of fun! Then our two friends LaBrandon and James wanted to get pizza before watching the Hunger Games which was playing after the football game. So we went to the sketchy Dominos and then to Maverick for drinks and oh man it was definitely something you had to be there in order to laugh at the experinece. But that is how a lot of college experiences are like I feel.
Ahh to end the wonderful first week experience. So friday went to a legit Mentalist! He blew our minds away! Then did the classic, roasting starburst over candles and just being fun crazy girls. Then Saturday PAINT STOMP! Oh my freak! It was crazy and so much fun! Jumping around and getting paint sprayed over the crowd! It was nuts! Pretty legit DJ if I do say so myself. Oh man the music was crazy and the crowd was crazy. Dang if the year is anything like this first week I think I am going to be set. :) Stay tuned to see what my next adventure will be!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Last part of Summer... First part of School

                                      So peace out West Valley I am heading to Cedar City!

Moving to Cedar was such a different experience.First off, it is a fresh new start and the worst/scariest part was that seriously I know very few people here... At Snow I knew a couple more people and made friends so fast. But before my scary moment of moving to a new city I got to spend the weekend with my brothers and mom in my beautiful home state of California :) This was so much fun because we goofed off on our way there, even stopped at the welcome to Las Vegas sign and everything. People think its crazy to do such a fast round trip to California but if you have ever lived by the beach and then moved so far away from it you wouldn't think it was crazy.

                                                      My favorite place in the world!
Being in the water was the best. You know when everything is like not doing great and you have that one place you can always go to and everything bad goes away. Well the beach is that place for me. :)

                                       This is what happens when Kelsey and I are left alone
So SUU is pretty fun so far. So our apartment air conditioning was broken... Sad right?! So my roommate Kelsey went next door to ask our neighbors if their air was working and it was. So then we went on with life. Well last night our neighbors came over and were like "we know your air is not working so we brought you this fan that you guys can use until you air starts working again, but we do need it back." How sweet right? So Kelsey and I decided to make them cookies. Well since it was Sunday we could only use what we had. Ashley had this cookie mix for molasses cookies and we decided to try that out. Well as we were making the dough I was all, "Kelsey it looks like poo" cause it did. So as we made the cookies they turned out good and we went to our neighbors and were like, "we made you cookies because you brought us the fan but we do need the plate back." It was way fun. Well we had some dough left over and decided to make poo logs. So that is what the picture is above. How hilarious right?! Seriously they look like poo! :) Very entertaining way to start off the school year for sure! :)
Stay tuned to see what will happen next!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Crazy weeks of Celebrations

                                           Miss Alyssa Littell telling us where she is going!

So being 20 in Utah a lot of things happen in this time. First, at 19 years of age and a member of the LDS church boys go on a two year mission to spread the word of the Church. So a lot of my guy friends are out all around the world doing that which is way cool. Now the Church does not discriminate, girls are allowed to go on missions as well. Girls just have to wait until they are 21 years old and girls only go for a year and a half. So now that the boys are on their year marks or coming home this coming school year, now my friends that are girls are going. One of my best friends ever since I moved to Utah, Alyssa Littell she got her call! She is going to Brazil! Ahh so excited for her! She is going to be an amazing missionary! And her companions are going to love her!

                                                      Another one of my best friends!
Now another thing that happens when you are my age here in Utah...Marriage. Some people say we are too young to get married at this age but when you know its right you know its right. Well thats how Elle felt. Elle and I have been the best of friends since our first semester in college. We became friends by agreeing a guy was hot. Yep typical girls right here. Her now husband, Brendon, is another one of my best friends..once removed..[inside joke]. Being apart of their wedding was amazing. It was a fun night! I hope the best for those two crazy kids.

Now the one of the last things people my age are doing...Moving to or back to college. Sadly the summer is coming to a close and the fall is coming which means school is starting once again. Packing sucks there is not much more to it. Especially packing all your crap cause you are going farther away from home. This year I will be going to a new school. This is scary because its like being a freshman all over again. I am excited though for a new adventure! New school, new roommates [still love my old roommates], new city! [No more turkeys!] Moving to college is a fun, scary experience that I think everyone should go through because it has helped me grow and become the person I am today. This age is scary because there are so many changes that happen in the small time of our early twenties but these are the changes that make our lives.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Orem 2 SAH- The Delievered

                                             My girls who helped with Secret Counselor
                                                        My huge amazing company
                                                           Haha Silly Co's we are :)
Three weeks in a row of EFY say what?! Yep thats right! Loved it. I got to do my first stay at home session for my last week of EFY. That was so much fun and so different. It was weird that the kids had to just stay within the institute. But then you were never alone during free time. Yeah during our first free time found out one of my boys already has his mission call. What?! Crazy! He is going to be a great missionary. Oh on tuesday classes guess who was one of the teachers....BROTHER UDY! Yep thats right my ninth grade seminary teacher! Ah it was so cool to get to talk to him again. Loved it. It was definitely weird not to do lights out... But then it was nice even though I still didnt get to sleep until the wee hours of the night. Oh man we had secret counselor and the way I told mine was I got silly putty and  had six of my girls have letters of my name and he had to figure it out. Well he did very easily because he had me. haha funny. A lot of my kids did the musical program and it was so cool to see them singing! Loved it. It was weird to say good-bye to them on friday. It was a great ending to EFY. Thank you everyone

Provo 8D- This Rock

I got the great opportunity to do EFY once again right after one great week. This once again was a great week. Love all my kids, they cracked me up, like always. My girls were great at listening except they knew how to distract me when it came to lights out. They knew I liked talking to them. We got to have pizza night out on the balcony cause our dorms were horrible inside lol. Thats okay though. We all went and got Hawaiian shaved ice together which was a blast. One day a couple of my boys and I seriously got into a deep discussion about the second coming and wow they knew so much it blew my mind. Loved how we could have that discussion because it was on the perfect day...Spiritual Thursday. :)  Loved it. Also, got to watch tangled in the BYU bookstore haha that was fun.Oh and a couple of my girls made some friends who like swam in my hair...umm what the? It was super weird but super funny. What another wonderful week at EFY.

Provo 7C- May the Peace Be With You

                                                       My Boys for the week
                                                       Some of my girls for the week
                                          Hahaha they stole my camera from my backpack

Ahh I love my job. It is seriously the best summer job by far. So my second week was crazy fun. Our company name was May the Peace Be With You. So Star Wars references were a must! It was hilarious! Had a great set of girls who didn't give me trouble lol love them! We had so much fun together. Got to know them and love them. I was told some sad news about a friend and they noticed something was not right and comforted me. :) Thank you girls. Prayers were answered. Remember the fires at the first of July and how we were all asked to pray for rain...BAM it rained on our spiritual thursday which I would say was legit and totally amazing to see. And the cool thing was, it would rain hard core while we were in the building but when it was time to leave the building it wouldn't be raining or at least hard core. Ahh so cool! Love the amazing things I get to see with my job.

Friday, June 29, 2012

A week of Lessons and Blessings

Ah fantastic rest of the week. Well first of all I got to see the movie Brave with my two cousins, Lori and Sarah. Now that movie was legit! First it showed that girls we can do anything we put our minds to and we do not need guys to do everything for us [even though sometimes its nice]. Also, it shows everyone that they choose their own destiny. They choose where life is going to take them. Yes Heavenly Father has a plan for us but its our choice in whether we follow it and hold to the Iron Rod or go to the big and spacious building. Now also the movie showed us that you can fix your mistakes. You can go back to the path and choose once again where you want to go. Now are their people there wanting you to go a certain way...Yes...Are they doing it for your best interest...I sure hope so... How cool is it that I could get all of that from a cartoon? I would say so cool! I thought I would never say this but thanks Dr. K. for teaching film to me even if I did complain about the class being Tuesday nights all semester long.

Next yesterday I got to go to the temple with my lil brother Riley and one of my best friends Alyssa. Ahh the joy the temple brings is something no one can ever really explain. It was fantastic. I was bummed this week because I did not know when I would get the chance to work for EFY again. I loved working last week and this week seemed like ahh nothing to do, I want to help more kids enjoy the Gospel. Than seriously not even an hour later from coming home from the temple, I got a call from the office asking if I could work next week! Wow I thought I was dreaming! How cool, temple blessings everyone for sure! I am so excited to have another amazing experience at EFY.

Riley and me at Oquirrh Moutain 

Alyssa and me at Oquirrh Moutain

Lori, Sarah and Me chilling in the Riverwoods before our movie started

Well I mean I will let you know how next week goes and tell you how amazing my kids will be just like my last ones. :)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

My Dad

[My two wonderful parents, mom survivor of breast cancer and dad a fighter of rectal cancer]
So most of you know that my dad has rectal cancer that has spread. That horrible word needs to stop popping up in lives to the people I care about. Cancer is not a "four letter word" but its still one of those words you wish would never again come out of someones mouth. So back to subject. Daddy is about finished with his Chemo and all we can do is hope and pray is that it worked and we can breathe for at least a little bit. But a little bit is an understatement. Now because of the drugs in the Chemo my dad has blood clots in his legs. Oh to joy. So now have to worry about that because they are so bad that he has to give himself shots twice a day. In two months, we can hopefully breathe once again. I cannot wait for that day when we can all breathe for the rest of our lives. The one day were we watch the news and those wonderful words pop up "A cure for cancer" now hopefully it does not end up like the movie "I am Legend" cause then I take my words back. Cancer changes everything and you know what I am sick of change. I am sick of seeing change within my family and with my friends.  So if cancer could hear or talk I would tell it how about you give yourself cancer and then die then you will never have to come into anyone's lives ever again.

Monday, June 25, 2012

EFY Provo 5C

[Picture of my "ARISING SPIRITS"]
So last week I got to start my job. My first job ever. I know I know just barely starting a job is nuts. Anyways, I am an EFY counselor. EFY stands for Especially for Youth and its for kids 14-18 years of age that want to learn more about the Church and wanting to meet more kids their age who want the same thing.Wow how amazing it was. My girls were the best. They cracked me up with their comments. Also, the boys in our company [two groups sometimes three of both boys and girls] were such gentleman. I couldn't be my favorite part even if I had to because just being with the kids made everything my favorite. They were so willing to learn about the gospel. And they all bonded together and wanted to always hang out with each other and it was great. It was really cool to see all these kids who came from all over, being interested in all different things still become the best of friends. They taught me so much that they probably would never know. I really hope that I get to work more because being with them was such an amazing experience. I would have done it for free because what I learned from them is something that you cannot put a price on and honestly I forgot I got paid. And isn't that how you are suppose to be at jobs? Forgetting about the money and just working because you want to?