My girls who helped with Secret Counselor
My huge amazing company
Haha Silly Co's we are :)
Three weeks in a row of EFY say what?! Yep thats right! Loved it. I got to do my first stay at home session for my last week of EFY. That was so much fun and so different. It was weird that the kids had to just stay within the institute. But then you were never alone during free time. Yeah during our first free time found out one of my boys already has his mission call. What?! Crazy! He is going to be a great missionary. Oh on tuesday classes guess who was one of the teachers....BROTHER UDY! Yep thats right my ninth grade seminary teacher! Ah it was so cool to get to talk to him again. Loved it. It was definitely weird not to do lights out... But then it was nice even though I still didnt get to sleep until the wee hours of the night. Oh man we had secret counselor and the way I told mine was I got silly putty and had six of my girls have letters of my name and he had to figure it out. Well he did very easily because he had me. haha funny. A lot of my kids did the musical program and it was so cool to see them singing! Loved it. It was weird to say good-bye to them on friday. It was a great ending to EFY. Thank you everyone
THAT'S ME!!!!!