[Picture of my "ARISING SPIRITS"]
So last week I got to start my job. My first job ever. I know I know just barely starting a job is nuts. Anyways, I am an EFY counselor. EFY stands for Especially for Youth and its for kids 14-18 years of age that want to learn more about the Church and wanting to meet more kids their age who want the same thing.Wow how amazing it was. My girls were the best. They cracked me up with their comments. Also, the boys in our company [two groups sometimes three of both boys and girls] were such gentleman. I couldn't be my favorite part even if I had to because just being with the kids made everything my favorite. They were so willing to learn about the gospel. And they all bonded together and wanted to always hang out with each other and it was great. It was really cool to see all these kids who came from all over, being interested in all different things still become the best of friends. They taught me so much that they probably would never know. I really hope that I get to work more because being with them was such an amazing experience. I would have done it for free because what I learned from them is something that you cannot put a price on and honestly I forgot I got paid. And isn't that how you are suppose to be at jobs? Forgetting about the money and just working because you want to?
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