Sunday, July 23, 2017

I Am A True Millennial, Are You?

Today in relief society, we were challenged to fill in the blanks of the following statements. I am a true millennial because... and I can overcome the world by... These two statements really hit me. There is a video that the LDS church has published about millennials. They first start off with what the world thinks millennials are. Then it brings up quotes from President Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of what Heavenly Father knows who millennials are. What a big difference that is. As the world sees millennials, or anyone for that matter, more times than one, a self absorbed, negative, ungrateful generation. Heavenly Father on the other hand sees the generation He has been waiting to bring to this Earth, the millennials.
  I am a true millennial because I was put on this Earth at this moment for a reason that I have yet to fully know. For those who have seen Supernatural, think back to when you find out that Sam and Dean find out that they are the vessels for Michael the archangel and Lucifer and that they would have to fight to save the world. Now this goes on for about a season of them finding loopholes and figuring this whole thing out. In one part, they are told about how heaven made sure that Sam and Dean were born, down to making sure their parents met. It was even divine intervention that Sam and Deans parents met. Now think about that. We know that Heavenly Father has a plan for us. We have been told that since the beginning. Now that plan does not start when we take our first breath on this Earth. It has started long long before. To make sure we were put on this Earth and the time He needs us to be here. I believe that with all my heart and soul. I trust in my Heavenly Father that He does have a plan for each and every one of us. As millennials, there is a lot that is asked of us. We are asked to help prepare the world the second coming of the Lord. Also, we are asked to get an education, get married, have children, don't forget to have a career, house, dog, etc. It can be overwhelming to think about let alone figure out as you see how the world wants you to do this as well.
   Now for the second part of that statement. I can overcome the world by continuing to build my testimony and relationship with my Heavenly Father. Like I said earlier, He has a plan. Now yes we have our agency to do what we so please. However, why not go straight to the source when you are struggling, trying to figure out all those other things mentioned. School is stressful enough, so is dating that we wont even start with, figuring out what you want to be, and how in the world is the rest of my life going to play out if a, b, or c doesn't work out. Turn to the one that made the plan. He is there to guide us. I remember of a time when I asked for a priesthood blessing during a major trial in my life, and in the blessing I remember being told that I was given these trials to help shape me into the woman that the Lord needs me to become. That has stuck with me since. We are a block of clay being molded into who not only the Lords needs us to be, but who He KNOWS we can be. We only see a glimpse of who we are going to become.
    It gets frustrating not knowing whats next, trust me I know and you think of how other people your age are doing this or that and you question, why not me now? Trust me I have asked that question over and over. Yet always I am reminded on how Heavenly Father has a plan and his timing is everything. We are a generation that wants the answer now and I really think its because we are just so curious on what is there. We have a question, we can google it and get an answer. We are a curious generation. Now with those harder questions that haunt us, we cannot really google. That we have to turn to Him and be prepared for the answer that will come, on His timing. He has chosen us to be the millennials, not because we would the easiest with the technology He knew would be here, but because He knows that we are the generation that will prepare the world for a much bigger event. We are the generation that can do it. He has trusted us to this task. I am a true millennial ready to become the person He is preparing me to be, are you?

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