When you know you need a change in your life, does it happen right away? Sometimes yes but most of the time no. You either need to find that change, or work to change. Either way most change does not happen over night. Which that can suck. You get impatient, or discouraged, or frustrated on finding that change. All of that definitely what happened to me this past little while and I would like to share.
So a couple months ago, I felt the need that it was my time to leave my job. It was definitely a hard decision because I loved the girls I worked with. I wanted to be there for all of them, however, if I did that, I would never leave. Also, I had this feeling that they too needed someone new. A new point of view, a new person to get to know, and a new perspective. So I started the thing everyone loves to do... search for a new job. Not. haha. Anyways, that process was long and hard. I would get a call here or there and maybe an interview, but nothing more. Then I got offered a job! Woohoo. But even at the interview, I knew it wasn't the job for me... So back to the drawing board. Tried to be a reciptionist for a moment, yep not for me either. So then I was getting frustrated. This was a couple month process of not finding what I want. I was still with my old job, but I was then bringing my frustration to work which was not okay.
Then I went to the temple. I had this thought, apply for three more jobs. I thought about it and was like oh yeah I can do that. Three more. I got this. So I went home and got online and applied for three more jobs. Two days later, I got called for an interview. That next monday I got the job. I was so excited and nervous. The job was new territory for me and some of it would take me out of my comfort zone. But I felt that it was a good place to be. So I accepted. Well jump two weeks later, I start this new job and guess what... I got a call from another job (another one of the three), and after talking to my mom, I decide why not go to the interview. I go in and I was completely myself. I wasn't trying to sell myself, lie to get them to choose me, or whatever. I went in thinking I have a good job, yes this is a better job, but be myself and see what happens. Now jump two weeks more aka last thursday. I got a call.... I GOT THE JOB! What the?! Are you kidding me? This job can be the start to my career. I am still in shock.
Going through this time, I have had to learn a lot about patience and trusting in the Lord. I could have taken two other jobs, that I was not into at all and probably still be in the struggle of figuring out what I wanted. There were moments when my patience was getting to its last straw. I kept praying and wondering what was the Lord thinking? What was His plan? Why isn't letting any of these jobs work out? I was so confused and was wondering when was it going to work out? And honestly, I do think I needed my first new job before this new new job. Being able to feel to be completely myself, having to work with them for an interview time, and having to call back when missing their calls. Its so strange how it all works out and how it does. I keep thinking what if I accepted one of those jobs I felt that werent for me. Would I still be feeling this way or what? Probably not. I am so grateful for the opportunities I have been given.
Oh and to add on I got a new calling in church. So this month is already starting to be a month of new things in my life and its only November first?! WHAT? There is still 29 more days, so who knows what else will come about. But know this, that I promise you, that God has a plan for each and everyone of us. His plan is awesome and personal. We follow the plan, and we will have happiness. Pray and find our your plan. You might have to wait a couple of months to find out, but I promise, He knows what He is doing.