I was overhearing a conversation the other day that really struck me. People were complaining/saying about what annoyed them about church. They were talking about the little things that they wish people did not do, how the schedule worked, what they wish would change, or how they may not "learn" as much. This made me very upset to hear all of this.The topics may not be perfect but why have a 20 minute argument/conversation about it? During the whole time, no one talked about the good of church, the reasons they go, or what they had learned. They mostly just talked about negative little things that honestly shouldn't matter. The negative is not why we go to church, so why is that the topic of discussion and not the positive?
I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and have been for my whole life. I spend every Sunday at church for three hours. In those three hours, I learn more and more every week. I go to not only learn more but to have my questions be answered, to be comforted, to feel my Saviors love, and to just know that I am not alone.Those three hours are precious to me. Sometimes yeah it is hard to go because of multiple, worldly reasons but those are the days I need to go more than ever. For example, a couple weeks ago, I had to go to church alone. Which if anyone knows me I hate going to the store alone, let alone church. But I knew that is where I needed to be. So I went. Seriously, it was one of the best Sundays. Great lessons, and I got to know on of the women I now visit teach. I sat with her in one of our meetings and really got to know her and learned a lot from her. She gave light to a day that was hard for me. That could have only happened at church on that day.
My point is that we should not focus on the negative. When we focus on the negative we miss the positive or something we are suppose to hear. This world is all about the negative. The media focuses on the negative, what people have done, why the world is corrupt or sucks, what went wrong, etc. On Sundays we should not think or worry about that within the walls of a church building.
Lets stop worrying about the negative or what doesn't work for us, lets start thinking positive and just know that we cannot control everything. Think about it, if everyone in the world just stayed positive how much everything would change? Think of the good that comes from being positive and the more happiness that comes along with it. So here is a challenge to everyone, lets start being more positive, and worry less about things we cannot control. When you start thinking negatively, change it. Think of something positive or uplifting. Yeah we cannot control a lot that goes on around us but we can control on how we think and act.