I really love how the Lord puts people in our lives for a reason. As most of you know, I am an EFY counselor this summer. This week I am in San Diego and man has it been a blast. Every Monday I look out to my new youth and think, they are with me for a reason and it is my job to find the reason and make sure they feel the love of the Savior. It was definitely hard at first to get this group going, but oh man once they got going they went above and beyond.
My kids definitely made my week interesting. They were hilarious and oh man did they know how to ask questions. Now looking back on the week, I see how much they have taught me and made me realize that being 14-15 years old is difficult now. I was their age only 7 ish years ago which is really not that long ago, but man the world has changed so much since then and these kids have more temptations now then ever. They are all so amazing.
I loved answering their questions and helping them gain a testimony of the Gospel. I loved getting to know them. They made me realize that in the real world, life is not all the same for them. Life is hard for these kids. I just hope that they remember what it was like this week, all of it, even the times when they wouldn't be as quiet as I would like. Because if they remember it, maybe life wont be as hard for them. That life may be a little easier to get through if they remember what it was like here, and what it is like to be doing the small and simple things (aka read scriptures, pray, following the standards, etc.) that make a difference.
Heavenly Father has a plan for everyone. He takes the time to make sure that we meet the people we need to meet, that we go where we are needed, and that even if we go off the path, He makes a new path for us to get back to the right path. This week I have seen that these kids were meant to come into my life. They helped me realize what I personally need to work on and helped me find some strengths I really did not think I had.
I am so grateful for them and the chance I got to be their counselor. :) I cant wait to see what they do with the knowledge they have.
Forever Forgiveness :) EFY San Diego 2014